Sunday, October 23, 2011

Switching to Manual, November 12th!

Hey there! I'm Tyler Lewis, and I've been teaching photography for two years. My friend Melinda, who was frustrated at not getting the most out of her camera, suggested I teach a workshop. So I took her advice, and I'm excited to announce my first photography workshop, Switching to Manual!

If you're tired of not getting the most out of your expensive DSLR, then sign up! That's what I'll be covering in this first workshop - controlling your camera instead of it controlling you.

This is how the day will go:
10:00 AM - Meet and Greet
10:10 AM - Exposure & Composition
10:30 AM - Shutter Speed - Capturing Action
11:00 AM - Aperture - Depth of Field/Focus
11:30 AM - ISO - Sensitivity to Light
12:00 PM - Lunch! (Provided)
12:30-1:00 PM - Practice & Review

Bring your own DSLR; this is a hands-on experience. The class will be held near American Fork, Utah. The cost is $50, which includes lunch. Sign up using the PayPal link to the right. This workshop will be limited to 10 people. More workshops can be scheduled if enough people show interest. Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns (mr.tyler.lewis (at)

If you'd like to learn more about me, click on the 'About Me' link on the right, and click on the 'My Photos' link to see some of my work.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! That sounds like so much fun. Too bad I live so far away. :(
